Title: 23042020-Summary on machine learning study
48. Title: 23042020-Summary on machine learning study#
48.1. Date:#
48.2. Goal:#
To get acquainted with machine and statiscal learning in order to use it as a tool to generate meaningful hypothesis for the project, for example, whether two genes are synthetic lethals or not.
To get an understanding of the workflow when applying machine learning to biology and bioinformatics.
48.2.1. Method:#
Replicating existing examples from papers
Taking courses on statistica learning
48.2.2. Results:#
The implementation of this project is in this github repo : machine-learning-for-yeast
The repo has a project board where we organize the work on
To do's
,In progress
tasks.The repo is under an MIT License
The collaborators of the repo are, so far:
github-username: EKingma
github-username: cseale
github-username: Gregory94
github-username: Wteunisse
In order to be educated on the topic , I am following an EdX course , recommended by Joana Gonzalvez, our potential collaborator from EWI, TU Delft.
The course is entitled: “Statistical learning” StanfordOnline: STATSX0001
48.3. Next Steps:#
Educational related:
To take also a EdX course allowed by TU Delft to get a free certificate: Statistical Inference and Modeling for High-throughput Experiments
More projects:
Use other features including go-terms and pathway information for example to also predict synthetic lethality.