Title : Digestion and Ligation for sequencing
30. Title : Digestion and Ligation for sequencing#
30.1. Date#
30.2. Objective#
To do all the steps in order to send my samples of WT, and dnrp1 strains to sequence after doing SATAY on them.
30.3. Method#
DNA concentration of 2ug for digestion
WT (~50ng/ul) = 40ul of DNA
\(\Delta\)nrp1_1 (~50ng/ul) = 40ul of DNA
\(\Delta\)nrp1_2 (~40ng/ul) = 50ul of DNA
Digestion samples:
50ul final volume for WT and dnrp1_1
40ul DNA
5ul enzyme (250 units)
5ul 10X buffer
61uL final volume for dnrp1_2
50ul DNA
5ul enzyme (250 units)
6.1ul 10X buffer
Ligation 1st step
40uL 10X Buffer Ligase
49uL digested sample
5uL Ligase enzyme
306uL MiliQ
Ligation 2nd step
40ul 3M NaOAc
1ul linear acrylamide
1mL 100% EtOH
store in -20C
Resuspension of the DNA
Resuspend in 105uL MiliQ
Take 5uL to do a test 50uL PCR
Then add the PCR mix for 1mL to the 100uL
30.4. Results#
30.4.1. Digestion#
1uL DNA loaded
30.4.2. PCR :)#
50uL PCR
30.5. Conclusion#
The libraries are OK to send to sequence.